We offer two distinct services to entrepreneurs and businesses, based upon where they are in their lifecycle.
You have a thriving business. Perhaps you even already engage in philanthropy. But, how effective is your giving? Is it having the kind of community/world impact you would like? Is it inspiring to your customers? Is it engaging for your employees? Does it further your business mission? Is it focused and effective or is it scattered all over the place?
If you have questions such as these, we can help. We help businesses develop a philanthropic philosophy and mission. We help you align how you do philanthropy with your values and become strategic. We seek for efficiencies and leverage between marketing and philanthropy. We help you engage your employees and customers – even vendors.
We believe in sacrificial giving, but with business, impactful philanthropy does not have to “cost” the business. We can show you how, if your corporate vision can drive your philanthropic vision and contribute to your bottom line.
We would love to be able to help your business super-charge your philanthropy. Please complete the information to the right, click send and we will get back to you.
Watch below to see how Wayne McDaniel led McDaniel Knutsen into a corporate culture of philanthropy...
There comes a time in every business owner’s life to transfer that business interest to the next generation of owners, whether family or otherwise. Income tax, capital gains tax, gift tax and estate tax are all considerations and can have a major impact on remaining wealth. Done wrong, taxes can easily consume 50% or more of your business value.
In almost every case, we can show you how you can sell all or most of your business tax-free using charitable tax planning strategies. These strategies can enable you to not only slash and avoid taxes, but result in greater net proceeds to you and your family, while simultaneously making a significant charitable gift. Charitable tax strategies done right can increase your financial security and retirement income, increase the likelihood of a successful transition of wealth to future generations and make enormous positive impact upon the causes that are important to you and help create and enduring legacy.
Visit our Charitable Tax Planning page for more information.
We help people and organizations develop a vision of possibilities in making a greater difference in the world, community and family by helping expand resources available and find ways of converting tax dollars to dollars that ultimately increase financial security and help people do the good they want to do.
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