We operate on two premises. 
One is that we believe that nearly everyone can...

    • Do more than they thought they could do,
    • Give more than they thought they could give, and
    • Be more than they thought they could be.

The second is that almost everyone would like to be able to be more generous.  They just do not know how – they do not know the tools and strategies that will enable them to give more without sacrificing their financial independence and family legacy.  Indeed, generosity can actually increase financial security and legacy.

To help you get started, we have prepared a few thought-provoking questions that help you clarify your Generous Vision:

We offer two distinct services to help individuals and families really succeed with their Generous Vision:

Living Legacy Plan™

You can live and leave an extraordinary legacy!  The Living Legacy Plan™ will help you realize that dream.   The Living Legacy Plan™ is designed to help you align your Personal, Social and Tangible Wealth in ways to maximize your life impact.   An implemented Living Legacy Plan™ will assure that:

• Your personal values and life story is communicated, preserved and passed on to future generations
• You find that “sweet spot” where time, talents and treasure can be invested in the people, needs, causes and organizations that mean the most to you
• You are able to maximize your financial position to pay lower taxes and increase what you have to share
• Family cohesiveness and charitable involvement is enhanced
• You are able to make significant and meaningful contributions that continue long after you are gone.

Creating your Living Legacy Plan is a multi-step process which usually takes a few weeks to complete, but once completed, gives you a clear and concise roadmap for how to fulfill your life mission and engage in more purposeful and impactful generosity.

Charitable Tax Planning

Charitable Tax Planning is the intentional conversion of tax dollars to personal and philanthropic wealth.  It is taking dollars that you normally pay in income and estate taxes and re-directing them to create greater financial security for yourself and your family and making significant philanthropic contributions at the same time.

Charitable tax planning may enable you to:

    • Cut income taxes by as much as 50% or more
    • Sell stocks, real estate, businesses and other assets tax-free
    • Invest the proceeds from the sale of these assets tax-free
    • Create a tax-free pool for future business and investment purposes
    • Increase your retirement income
    • Increase your children’s inheritance
    • Pass on values as well as valuables to your heirs
    • Multiply the amount you might otherwise give to charity
    • Create an amazing and enduring legacy



About Us

We help people and organizations develop a vision of possibilities in making a greater difference in the world, community and family by helping expand resources available and find ways of converting tax dollars to dollars that ultimately increase financial security and help people do the good they want to do.

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